Heal the body and improve the well-being of your dog

Canine massage therapy in Niagara on the Lake, West GTA & surrounding area


Treat your pet like family

Canine massage therapy is a complimentary touch modality to veterinary care. It works on the soft tissues of the body using focused and deliberate techniques.

The gift of regular massage is a loving way to give back to our four-legged family members who give us so much unconditional love every day.


 Mobile therapeutic massage for dogs who deserve the highest quality of care

therapy dogs

Therapy dogs


Working dogs




Meet Elaine Bowers

Elaine is a Certified Small Animal Massage Practitioner who has always had a passion for big and small creatures alike.

Elaine became certified in Canine Massage Therapy at the Royal Canadian College of Massage Therapy in Toronto. Elaine would love to help working dogs, therapy dogs and your beloved pets who deserve the highest quality of care.

“Two enthusiastic paws up!”
~ Sumo